Remote work used to be an option available to those employees who could convince their boss that it was a good idea. That all changed last winter with the arrival of Covid-19.

When suddenly everyone was sent home to work, the focus was first getting the right technologies in place. Next was figuring out comfortable distance learning spaces for the entire family.

Today, we are focusing on the home office.

When working from home, it is important for your office space to feel comfortable while supporting your need to be productive.

Enter Feng Shui.

Feng shui means “wind and water”, and it is the practice of harmonizing yourself with the surrounding environment. This ancient Chinese philosophy, often referred to as “the art of placement”, seeks to optimize balance and harmony through room layout, positioning of objects, lighting, air quality, and organization.

It is believed to promote prosperity and good health for those who use this practice in their own home, and since your home office is probably a stressful space, a little feng shui can go a long way in bringing you peace.

Feng Shui examines how the energy, or qi, flows and ultimately helps determine the best setup for maximum productivity. Let’s start there.

Location Location Location

In addition to achieving Feng shui, this is really important to develop a positive work-life balance. The location of your office should be completely separate from the rest of the home. This is key in feeling like you’ve “left” work at the end of the day. A home office that is tucked away in its own room is the first key step toward achieving that feng shui design concept.

Desk Placement

So this is what I like to call a power move. By facing your desk toward the door, you can immediately see who is entering your space. You are asserting yourself as the commander of the office. In feng shui, this is referred to as the “command position”, meaning that by commanding your own energy, you can do your best in any situation.

Your desk should be off-center from the doorway, on the opposite side of the room. In feng shui, the doorway to any room is the mouth that brings energy into a room. You want your desk to be away from the direct stream of energy.

Another Power Move

Avoid feeling vulnerable and weak when seated at your desk by placing a solid item behind you to help you feel secure and supported. Avoid windows. You can also achieve this by sitting in a chair with a high back. This will help give you the support and comfort you need to work productively.

Thoughtful Colors

According to the principles of feng shui, the “good fortune” shades include blue, green, and purple. Red as an accent color works too. Each of these colors has a unique message and meaning, and these colors all promote tranquility, calmness, and peace.

Inspired Thoughts

Add positive energy to your home office space by adding inspirational quotes that will keep you motivated, determined, and dedicated. It is important to display messages that speak to you on a personal and professional level. A couple of pictures of family and friends are good, but stick with images that connect to your goals and to your business.
Pro Tip: Pull some motivational quotes from your vision board!

Let There Be Light

Flood your home office with natural light. Avoid lighting fixtures that point straight down or act as spotlights. These focus energy in one place rather than bathing the entire space in warm light.

Go Green

Good quality air is essential for positive Feng Shui energy and there is no better way to achieve this than adding good ole plants. But, not all plants are made the same. The standard is lucky bamboo, but you may also use palm, ficus, peace lily, english ivy, Boston fern, spider plant, rubber plant, or African violets.

Cut The Clutter

Clutter is a distraction and it’s proven to increase cognitive overload. To achieve peace and calm, file away your papers and keep your desk free of any unnecessary items. Organization is key to cutting the clutter!

This age-old practice may seem complicated to implement at your home office, but with a few doable updates, you’ll be on your way to complete zen.

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